The student must hold both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Bible or related fields prior to being permitted to enroll into this program.

The purpose of this degree program is to allow the student to major in Bible. The student may complete the following 54SH program and receive the Doctor of Biblical Studies with a concentration in Bible. If the student has not had the following course subjects, it is suggested that the following be substituted for one of the courses listed in the following curriculum.

Bi-511 Introduction To the O.T., 3SH;
Bi-505 Mosaic Writings, 3SH;
Bi-512 Intro. to the N.T., 3SH;
Bi-504 The Life of Christ, 3SH.


Rel-604    Bible Archaeology – 3SH
Rel-701     History  of Christianity – 3SH
Bi- 601      Expositional Methods – 3SH
Bi-602      Bible Exposition (Gen-Deut) – 3SH
Bi-701       Bible Exposition (Matt-Mk) – 3SH
Th-603     New Testament Theology – 3SH
Ls-602      Computer Skills – 3SH
Rel-703    Life and Times of Christ I – 3SH
Rel-704    Life and Times of Christ II – 3SH
Th-602     Old Testament Theology – 3SH
Ph-631      Advanced Apologetics – 3SH
Ph-503     Biblical Hermeneutics – 3SH
Ph-601     Advanced Apologetics I – 3SH
Ph-602     Advanced Apologetics II – 3SH
Bi-702      Bible Exposition (Luke-John) – 3SH
Ls- 602     Research & Methodology – 3SH
Ph- 761     Thesis (20,000 words) – 6SH

Total                                                54SH


Upon satisfactory completion of the above program, the Doctor of Biblical Studies will be conferred.