The Bachelor of Arts in Religion with a concentration in Christian Counseling is designed for persons feeling the call of God on their life to enter the ministry of Counseling. The requirements for receiving this degree, is the completion of 120 SH credits. The student will first complete the two year program in Bible or its equivalent and then complete the following two-year counseling program as described below.

The courses listed below are required courses and cannot be deleted or changed. If the student shows evidence of having completed one of these courses at another institution, the course requirement will be waived and the student will be allowed to select another course, or the course subject will be revised whereby the student will not be repeating the same course of study

First Year – General Bible Diploma

En-101     English Grammar * – 3SH
En-102     English Composition ( Take En-101 First) *- 3SH
Bi-102     O.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-103     N.T. Survey *- 3SH
Bi-105     The Pentateuch * – 3SH
Bi-107      Manners and Customs I  – 3SH
Bi-108     Manners and Customs II – 3SH
Bi-109      The Gospels – 3SH
Ph-102      Beginning Hermeneutics – 3SH
Mi-101      Evangelism – 3SH

TOTAL                                        30SH

Second Year – Associate of Arts in Religion

En-103     English – Introduction to Literature * – 3SH
En-104     English – Introduction to Humanities * – 3SH
Ma-101     General Mathematics * – 3SH
Th-201     Bible Doctrine I * – 3SH
Th-202     Bible Doctrine II * – 3SH
Mi-103     Missions – 3SH
Bi-206     Bible Types – 3SH
Bi-106     Israel’s History – 3SH
Bi-201     The Tabernacle – 3SH
Bi-202     Biblical Evidence – 3SH

TOTAL                          30 SH


Third Year – Undergraduate of Theology

Bi-209     Acts and Pauline Epistles * – 3SH
Bi-310     Biblical Understanding – 3SH
Th-302     General Theology I * – 3SH
Th-303     General Theology II * – 3SH
Sp-101     Speech Communication * – 3SH
Ps-301     General Psychology * – 3SH
Cc-201     Basic Principles of Counseling – 3SH
Cc-203     How To Counsel – 3SH
Cc-204     Marriage Building – 3 SH
Cc-302     Theology Of Christian Counseling – 3SH

TOTAL                                       30 SH


Fourth Year – Bachelor of Arts in Religion

Ps-302     Childhood Psychology * – 3SH
Ps-402     Adolescent Psychology * – 3SH
Ph-401     Logic * – 3SH
Cc-303     Reality Therapy – 3SH
Cc-411     Marriage and The Family – 3SH
Cc-207     How to Begin a Counseling Ministry – 3SH
Cc-401     Counseling Techniques – 3SH
Cc-410     Counseling Ethics – 3SH
Cc-403     Counseling Depression and Guilt – 3SH
Cc-406     Counseling in Crisis – 3SH

TOTAL                                          30 SH