The diploma is awarded to those who complete 30 semester hours of Biblical education courses. Although the program may be used as the Freshman year for other undergraduate programs, it is designed to be a one year diploma aimed at providing a student with a firm foundation in Bible and theology for Sunday School teaching or
personal spiritual growth.
Those courses marked with an * are required courses and cannot be deleted or changed.
First Year – Certificate of Biblical Studies
Bi-102 O.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-103 N.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-105 The Pentateuch * – 3SH
Bi-109 The Gospels * – 3SH
Bi-107 Manners & Customs I * – 3SH
Bi-108 Manners & Customs II * – 3SH
Ph-102 Beginning Hermeneutics * – 3SH
Mi-101 Evangelism * – 3SH
Th-201 Bible Doctrine I * – 3SH
Th-202 Bible Doctrine II * – 3SH
First Year – General Bible Diploma
En-101 English Grammar * – 3SH
En-102 English Composition ( Take En-101 First) * – 3SH
Bi-102 O.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-103 N.T. Survey * – 3SH
Bi-105 The Pentateuch * – 3SH
Bi-107 Manners and Customs I – 3SH
Bi-108 Manners and Customs II – 3SH
Bi-109 The Gospels – 3SH
Ph-102 Beginning Hermeneutics – 3SH
Mi-101 Evangelism – 3SH